Why Register?

Thanks for considering creating an account on our website.  Once you register a new account, you will be able to sign in and leave comments under your account name on all the pages. Only your account name will be shown. Your email will not be displayed. If you are familiar with WordPress, you will be a Subscriber to the website.

Also for your convenience, you may use your Google, Facebook or Twitter account name and password to register for this account.  This utilizes the respective company’s single-sign-on capabilities.

If you are interested in writing Posts or Trail Descriptions on the site, please send me an email (jcockroft96@gmail.com) and I will elevate your status to Author. As I mature this site, I will encourage you to record your hiking history and provide insights to our readers.

If you just want to casually or anonymously view the site, please simply Enter and enjoy!

On a particular pages you can leave a comments, but this will require you entering a username and password which is very similar to creating an account.